Drupal Training Experiences

Macarenacc's picture

My experience

Macarenacc | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
18 September, 2023

Hello, I have just sent the final project, the experience has been very satisfactory, personally I feel very fulfilled. I think it is a very complete course, as you specify that anyone even without extensive knowledge of programming can do it thanks to your books, they are very complete, both visually and theoretically. It has been a course that has required perseverance and effort, but it has been worth it, I have learned a lot, I did not expect to reach this point of being able to develop a web in Drupal without having to program. I would like to highlight the dedication of Fran as a tutor who has always been attentive at all times to lend a hand when I have been blocked or I have required some correction. The activities forum has been a great help. 

See you at the next stop, the backend course :)

Drupal Training Experiences

MariaIsabelHernandezMejia's picture

Complete course

MariaIsabelHernandezMejia | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
24 July, 2024

Hello good afternoon, to me this course has really seemed a little difficult and in which you have to invest a lot of time, so you have to have time to be able to do it.

I have learned several things that I can use in my work day to day and it is true that the more difficult something seems the prouder you feel when you get it.

Some parts of the syllabus were hard to follow, but with the patience of the tutor you reach the goal.

To the tutor Fran GIl I would give the prize... [read more]

guilleIT's picture

Best Drupal course

guilleIT | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
08 July, 2024

When I decided to take a Drupal 9 / 10 course, I did an extensive search that took me several hours of analysis of the different sites that offer Drupal training.

Having searched for courses in both English and Spanish, what you generally find are courses aimed at groups of employees for companies and camps with attendance at a specific time.

Actually the only place I found that offered a course that adapted to my study pace and was not a youtube or udemy course, was here in... [read more]

pantro's picture

It was a good learning experience

pantro | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Front-End
01 July, 2024

Learning Drupal is a challenge, but every step I've been taking with the collaboration of these courses, colleagues, tutor, etc.. Every time I feel that I like Drupal more and more and I see all its potential, I could not have been possible the experience I have without courses or challenges that come posing the day to day. 

Overall, I liked it, I learned a lot. It has required a lot of effort, perseverance, dedication and perseverance, but it has been worth it... I recommend it.

... [read more]
Pierre's picture

Highly recommended

Pierre | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
30 June, 2024

If you have no experience I highly recommend this course, and if you already have it, it is not bad to deepen your knowledge. What I liked the most was the final project where I could experiment with modules and topics that I have never had time to try. The course content is very well structured and Fran explains everything clearly and concisely when there are doubts and the manual / book that provides us is very well structured. In addition, the support community is very active and they are... [read more]

Abel's picture

Very good course

Abel | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
15 June, 2024

Honestly, the learning curve for Drupal is quite steep. When I started working at the site where I am now, they were using Drupal and it took me a while to get used to the projects they were working on. However, I was doing online courses, including the Expert in Site Building from Forcontu.

No doubt it was a very good choice. It is a very good course and very complete. Surely I will end up doing the other two (Drupal frontend and backend).

As a point to improve, there are some... [read more]

Mateurs's picture

Experience with the Back-End Module

Mateurs | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
04 June, 2024

Thank you very much for everything Fran, “”“perfect”“” and very very very very complete the Back-End module, MG !!!! ;)

So as you once commented to me (some time ago) as always giving me a very good guide, excellent tips and solutions, .... “I still have a long way to go in Drupal but with this Back-End module, what at the time was the beginning of the first step, now if I lack something to understand and practice I see it easy, EXCELLENT COURSE ;) !!!

I thank the person who... [read more]

JoseIgnacioFernándezSeda's picture

Personal development growth in Drupal

JoseIgnacioFernándezSeda | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
02 June, 2024

Learning Drupal is a challenge, but every step I've been taking with the collaboration of these courses, colleagues, tutor, etc.. Every time I feel that I like Drupal more and more and I see all its potential, I could not have been possible the experience I have without courses or challenges that come posing the day to day. 

I recommend this course 100% once you have some experience because you absorb much more what they want to transmit. In addition to the work of the tutor, either... [read more]

JavierAlvarezGonzalez's picture

Drupal learning experience

JavierAlvarezGonzalez | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
29 May, 2024

The course has pleased me very much in all aspects, coordination, material provided, attention of the teachers, I see it very complete and comfortable to wear, everything is well prepared to not lose the thread, I recommend it 100%. Concidero very practical automatic review although to say something fails sometimes, but for this, the attention of the tutors has been impeccable solucinando requests Saturdays and Sundays and unconventional schedule with extreme patience and very well explained... [read more]

prodriguez's picture

Growing with Drupal 10: A Thank You to Fran and Forcontu

prodriguez | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
27 May, 2024

I would like to share my experience and highlight how much I have learned and how good I have felt during this training process.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our tutor Fran. His in-depth knowledge and his ability to convey information in a clear and effective way have been fundamental to my learning. Fran has not only been an exceptional tutor, but has also demonstrated a level of patience and dedication that has made the entire learning process more... [read more]

cgilv's picture

Experience with drupal

cgilv | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Front-End
20 May, 2024

My Drupal course has come to an end. It has been a long but satisfying journey.

In my case I had no previous experience with Drupal. I had worked with other CMS like wordpress or prestashop, but never with Drupal.

I have done the Site Building and Backend modules with Drupal 9 and the Frontend with Drupal 10. I have to admit that the most difficult was the Backend one, but with effort and time everything comes out. This last module (Frontend), due to my previous experience in... [read more]

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