Expert in Drupal 9 Front-End


My personal experience

I have completed the course "Drupal 9 Front-End Development Expert", through which I have updated and acquired knowledge in an area in which I partially develop my work on a daily basis.

The course is mostly oriented to practical aspects, which makes it very agile and not dense in any of its aspects. The materials with which the course is developed have a high quality and are very well structured. The course has a forum with a thread for each activity through which you can get information and interact with both the tutor and the rest of the classmates.

Mi experiencia personal

He realizado el curso “Experto en Drupal 9 Front-End Development”, a través del cual me he actualizado y he adquirido conocimientos en un área en el cual desarrollo parcialmente mi trabajo a diario.

Expert in Drupal 9 Front-End

During the Drupal 9 course, I have had a great experience. I gained solid knowledge about template manipulation, the use of SASS, CSS, SCSS, JS, jQuery and other essential components such as Bootstrap. 

One of the most interesting aspects of the course was learning SASS/SCSS, which allowed me to organize my styles more efficiently and make them easier to maintain, and using JavaScript and jQuery to add interactivity and functionality.

Drupal 9 Front-End Development

From the beginning of the course, I have found the teaching methodology and study materials, such as the books, to be of high quality and extremely useful for learning effectively.

Before starting the course, I had heard of Drupal, but had no practical experience using it. Throughout the training, I gained valuable skills and a deep understanding of the tools and functionalities it offers. The challenges I faced during the process only served to strengthen my determination and interest in Drupal.

Master in Drupal 9

Once the three modules have been completed, it has been quite a complete training experience, seeing the tool from three different angles.

From my point of view, the most interesting thing about this training is having touched all the areas involved in the operation and development of Drupal using different technologies in the practical examples and evaluation tests as well as in the final projects.

A plus point is also having the necessary tools available at all times (web server, database, services...) without any downtime during the months of duration.

Super interesting

I have a lot of professional experience in Drupal. It is clear that Drupal is a world but after making this module I am surprised of the world that is. Apart from the issues of applying styles, themes and so on, I have been surprised with all the issues related to RESTFul, JSON:API, VUE ... has opened the door to a world that I did not even know existed.

Drupal with Forcontu

Learning is the starting point with which I express my yearnings to master with fluency anything that interests me in life, and that I certainly do not have the knowledge to do so.

My starting point in terms of knowledge in Drupal and web programming was generally poor if not almost non-existent, you can literally say that I started from scratch in the CMS with the learning curve rather long than short. So I can't say it was easy to complete these two courses.

My Drupal 9 front-end cursor experience

My experience with the course has been very good. Thanks to my current job I had experience with Drupal 7, 8 and 9 so it was not difficult to follow the lessons and complete the tasks. I have been able to learn in detail things that you don't usually have time for in your professional activity and that make the difference between "fulfilling the file" and making a project with professional quality (css structure, sass, external libraries...).

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